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Apple will build China’s first data center running on renewable energy

Apple will create its first data center in China to accelerate the work of services such as iCloud, for local users and to comply with the laws requiring international companies to keep information in the country.

The new facility, which will be fully provided by renewable energy sources will be built and launched in partnership with Guizhou Cloud Big Data Industry Co Ltd, the report said Apple.

Apple intends to move Chinese users to a new site in the coming months, says the company.

The creation of the data center partly due to new measures of the Chinese authorities, which increase the control over the collection and transmission of data to local users. This may give the Chinese government unprecedented access to technologies of foreign companies. Forcing companies to store information inside the country has led to the fact that some of them provided providers resources for cloud services and large-capacity on-premises servers.

“The addition of this data center will allow us to increase the speed and reliability of our products and services, and to comply with the new requirements, says the company. — Apple has a robust system of personal data protection and security, and no tools bypass our protection systems will not be created.”

One of the founders of partner of Apple — Guizhou Cloud Big Data Industry Co Ltd — are the province of Guizhou, which began to promote it as a data center in China.

Apple became the first foreign company, announced a change in the data storage Chinese users after the entry into force of the new act on cyber security on 1 June. Under this law foreign companies must store data within the country.

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Foreign corporations have stated that stringent requirements on the control and storage of data in the law a burden to the company of the company to excessive risk and threaten private data firms.

The authorities, however, claim that the law is not intended to put foreign firms at a disadvantage, and was adopted in response to the threat of cyber-attacks and terrorism.

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