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Open pre-order the iPhone 7 diamond worth $1.3 million

The Network has opened the accepting pre-orders for not yet presented to the smartphone iPhone 7, inlaid with gold and other precious metals. Purchase requisition luxury model flagship are on the website of the company Brikk. The iPhone 7 is implemented in rose, yellow gold or platinum, the gadget can be decorated with diamonds with […]

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Cyclist in Australia have lost their skin after the explosion of the iPhone 6 in your pocket [photos]

Even the most reliable technology can fail, and high quality and time-tested devices sometimes fail. British rider Gareth Cleary told about another such case. IPhone 6 belonging to him exploded, causing him to receive severe burns. 36-year-old Briton was traveling in Australia along manly beach in Sydney when the bike suddenly fell on its side […]

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Pangu: untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 not be

After the creators of the jailbreak Pangu iOS 9.3.3 launched an official account on Reddit, we began to receive information that is called, firsthand. Earlier on Monday, Pangu said they did not plan to develop an exploit for 32-bit devices, and now it became known that users keep waiting for the release of the untethered […]