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How to maintain and improve visual acuity using an iPhone

Few people know, but the eye muscles increase strength, gain flexibility and coordination while working just as well as the muscles of the body during physical exercise. This means that exercises for the eyes improves vision, restores its sharpness and prevents the development of more serious eye diseases. You need only a mobile device and seven minutes a day.

The first who thought to preserve vision using eye exercise, was an Indian yogi. Even then, several thousand years ago, developing sets of exercises for the whole body, they did not forget and about the eyes. To speak of the twenty-first century, when we spend a huge amount of time before the display of laptop, tablet or smartphone, which will certainly lead to decreased visual acuity. By 2033, half the population of the planet in the age of 30 will suffer myopia, experts say.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your vision now. The free app “100% Vision. Gymnastics for the eyes” consists of exercises for vision, tests for eye exams and useful articles. Each exercise is accompanied by animation and timer with sound. The timer helps to focus on performing, not to remember the number of repetitions and duration of exercise.

There is an interesting feature of the scoring exercise, it is nice that don’t even need to read the text with the description of the workout. While for more convenience there is a function Reminders, set the reminder at the right time, and the program will be invited to do gymnastics.

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The developers have added a number of tests for eye exam. You can check yourself for astigmatism, color blindness, there’s a test for binocular vision. Tests are no substitute for a vision test by an ophthalmologist (which must take at least one to two times a year), but, nevertheless, will help identify visual impairment.

And here is a useful article, will understand what vitamins are needed for healthy vision, do you suffer from visual fatigue after work. Get tips on how to maintain healthy eyesight and get rid of computer vision syndrome.

Download “100% Vision. Gymnastics for the eyes” at this link.

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