In 2014, British Cambridge close to the world famous University appeared nondescript office. There were rumors that it is the center of research and development Apple. In Cupertino, this information has not officially commented on.
And now Apple has placed their logo next to the building in Cambridge. Cambridge is considered a city of scientists, students, and the highest modern technologies. Here are more than 1000 different scientific companies working in the areas of electronics, biotechnology and software. Its branches in the “British silicon valley” has opened many large corporations, including Microsoft and Sony.
In November last year it became known that in Cambridge home to team VocallQ involved in refining Siri. Now the office Apple works more than 30 employees. They are working to get Siri on your head ahead of competing services from Amazon and Google.
This is not the only dev center Apple dozens of similar offices around the world. When in 2015 Apple acquired startup VocallQ, developed under the Gyda University of Cambridge the platform of communication of computers and users by using simple words, she opened an office there so that the developers do not have to go far.
The same office, for example, was opened in Boston. There are also working on Siri, involving the development of students from MIT.