On Wednesday, April 15, Apple, as sources said, introduced the long-awaited second-generation iPhone SE. This time there was no loud announcement, Apple limited itself to publishing a press release on its official website and adding new items to the range of the Apple Store online store.
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As expected, the second-generation iPhone SE largely repeats the iPhone 8 released in 2017. The design and some characteristics inherited from it. The new iPhone SE has a 4.7-inch rectangular cut-out display, a traditional Home button with a built-in Touch ID fingerprint scanner and two cameras: a 12-megapixel rear and a 7-megapixel front.
By and large, the second-generation iPhone SE is an improved version of iPhone 8. But the compact filling by modern standards hides the powerful stuffing from the iPhone 11. With the current flagships, the new A13 Bionic processor paired with 3 GB of RAM, fast and wireless charging, as well as augmented reality technology support. The smartphone works on iOS 13 and in the future, users will be able to upgrade to iOS 14, while support for iOS 14 with the original iPhone SE is still in question.
The novelty is dressed in a glass case with a metal frame. It is protected against moisture according to the IP67 standard and can withstand half an hour submersion under water to a depth of one meter. The smartphone is available in only three colors: black, white and red.
Chief editor of the blog – Erika J. Wells .