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Manfrotto Digital Director allows you to manage SLR camera with screen iPad [video]

Manufacturer of photographic accessories Manfrotto has released a device Digital Director, with which iPad can be turned into a display and remote control SLR cameras, reports Prophotos. The company claims the support of two cameras of brands Canon and Nikon.

The whole system consists of two components: cover and app. In terms of iron, or hardware, Digital Director is a base station processor with a microprocessor, which connects to the camera with a USB cable, and the iPad Air either through the Lightning connector end, or by wireless communication.

Integrated microchip from Apple works with the processor operating at a frequency of 600 MHz, and 256 MB of RAM. This ligament provides the minimum delay when live streaming, fast loading photos high-resolution iPad (three times faster than when using Wi-Fi protocols), and the ability to control basic shooting options with different protocols cameras.

Once the camera and the tablet is contacted through the station’s Digital Director, comes the software part of the system – the namesake mobile app. It allows you to use the iPad Air as an external wireless monitor, which displays the histogram, and the audio recording level – in short, provides a comprehensive view of coming into the camera during shooting the flow of information.

Application Digital Director turns your IPad into a multi-function interface unit for use at all stages of the survey: when adjusting camera settings (you can adjust ISO and white balance, enter the exposure compensation, set the shutter speed and aperture, focusing and so on), while actually shooting, and also to view the photos, post-processing, systematization and sharing (directly to an FTP server, email or social networks).

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Digital Director comes in two versions – MVDDA13 and MVDDA14 to work with the iPad Air and iPad Air 2, respectively. The cost in both cases is 24 000. The kit includes the device itself, the network adapter with four different plugs and metre USB cable.

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