In space, as we know, no one can hear you scream. And also complaints about the lack of fuel, intervention of aliens, malfunctions in the vehicle system and a low supply of oxygen. Games like Out There or FTL active this pedal is lifeless emptiness, cold, fear, death. The terror and loneliness are the main emotions in contact with the black space. The game Last Horizon offers you to look at it from another angle, although the problems and it is rife.
You are sent to space voyage to colonize a new planet – the old has become unfit. You is a small rocket, producing pillars of fire by one click. Inside the rocket there is a small fuel and oxygen – they must constantly be replenished. To do this regularly to get all new and new planets in this solar system as tourists in the high season. The problem is that the missile is a fragile creation and will live a long time.
You unsuccessfully sat down, rolled over on its side? Wrinkled covering. With overclocking has Bagnoles about the crater of the earth? Most likely, exploded, or – at best – burn. To fix, you need to collect ore with the same planets, Yes. This is problematic because to manage a small hard shell, and carefully take. Gravity greatly shifts the balance of the balance, and sometimes a few minutes, twist loops around the planet before successfully land. Even cleverly learn to get into the only gray piece in the middle of blue waters (in the water for some reason), you won’t protect yourself – you still have to Dodge asteroids, aliens, and the Sun.
Another problem lies in the Last Horizon is a stock of resources. The fuel and oxygen end quickly, to fill only on those round worlds that only what was there – somewhere lost. Rocket surf blue-black space, and silence all around. In these moments you remember Out There.
Last Horizon the ultimate goal is to find planets that could support terramorphing and populate them, but the chief charm, of course, not in this. Sooner or later used to the controls and learn to maneuver filigree and not land to starboard. Collect the ore hundreds of units, you no longer fear not make it to another planet, where you can scoop even a drop of fuel. Fear vanishes and remains naked visual – space, the fire from the rocket, bright round the house for life and the red asteroid ring. Oh and the music, of course – the authors claim that recorded an hour of high-quality soundtrack.
Difficult at first, but then a hypnotic game for 169 rubles.