In the last few years Apple has finally ceased to listen to the users. As a result, instead of correcting the current bugs we get a lot of unnecessary features that just clog up the system, and redesign of some elements of iOS 10 and even terrible.
The iPhone camera is the most popular and one of the best on the market, but already in many respects loses Google Pixel or outdated Galaxy S7. But all is not so bad. I want to ask Apple only one question: “How many more opportunities a regular camera will be limited to automatic mode?”. The same Galaxy Note 7 offered many different modes and customization options – exposure, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, focus, etc. and in Pro mode you can take pictures in RAW format.
Of course, the App Store, you can find third-party solutions with manual camera settings, but they will all cost money.
Even if you consider that most users do not use manual settings, algorithms for automatic processing Apple still loses Google.
Many users asked to increase the number of top icons and allow them to configure to your taste, but instead we got huge press Night Shift, which in 99% of cases simply is not necessary, since night mode is automatically activated when you do use it. Earlier this button was located playback control. But who at Apple decided that to do a swipe to the left after you open the control for switching the track?
Apple Music
The last 10 years Apple worked on embedded application for listening music, but, unfortunately, it turned out something strange.
First, the window sections of the application very uncomfortable to use: so, if you minimize the command correctly the first time, and when rewinding of the track tap and hold on the contrary is closed. Besides, it is strange that to turn the card swipe is possible, but to deploy – no.
Second, for some reason removed the ability to switch between tracks with a swipe to the side.
There is also a question to Apple using the battery and processor. Sometimes when listening to music the iPhone is decently heated, and statistics of battery usage Apple Music always come first or second place.
This item is very difficult to argue – the notifications in iOS are terrible. It often happens that the blind accumulate notice a week ago. Besides, some users observed the bug, remove them by clicking on “Delete all” notifications at first disappear but then reappear. Also there is a bug overlay one notification to another.
It is unclear why Apple made the toast so big. When watching a video or working with text, it’s distracting.
Apple allows you to answer notifications directly from lockscreen, but in this case, the user is prompted for a password or Touch ID. As a result, I write the answer, out of habit, put the phone in my pocket, and all written disappears, and the notification disappears. Alternatively, you can put the password prompt immediately.
Once Siri has set the fashion to voice assistants and was the “smart” assistant. Today in a number of ways Siri is inferior to its competitors as Amazon and Google Alexa Assistant. Though Google Now iOS users for many years laughed, believing him to be limited.
Assistant worse the Apple will recognize it, slow and has a poor feature set. Even the search results on the Internet are displayed incorrectly. The speech recognition technology is not progressing the last few years.
One can only hope that in iOS 11 the company will listen to users and fix the shortcomings of the OS.