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Media: 4-inch iPhone 6c will be released in the middle of next year

Almost all important presentation of 2015 have already passed the flagship Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and other major brands formally demonstrated, and even went on sale. Analysts therefore call them insights about the smartphones that will hit the market in the next year. From the beginning, the journalists scrupulously collected all of the information leaks about […]

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Expert: Russian mobile phones are not ready to compete with iPhone

Russia is not ready to produce mobile phones, which could become competitors to the iPhone and other top smartphones foreign. This was reported TASS the member of expert group of Agency of strategic initiatives (ASI) on Sverdlovsk area Alexander Trachtenberg. “Most likely, Russia will not produce mobile phones, which will replace all foreign products. The […]

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Forget about the megapixels: why the resolution of the camera of a smartphone does not affect the quality of the photos

What matters most in a smartphone camera? If you think that the number of megapixels, then you are a victim of marketing. Of course, the more megapixels, the more detail will be seen in the enlargement. But there are many other features of cameras in mobile devices, affecting the quality of the image. This explains […]

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Apple Pay will work in Canada tomorrow

Payment service Apple Pay will be available to residents of Canada from tomorrow. About it reports a thematic blog iPhoneCanada with reference to the statement of American Express. According to the newspaper that published the text of a mailing from American Express, from tomorrow the Bank will allow you to make payments at any time […]

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Huawei: the era of iPhone will end in 2020

A top Manager of Huawei company expressed the view that the industry of mobile devices subject to cycles: to replace mobile phones and smartphones will come the gadgets that will be called “superphone”. About this presentation Asia Huawei Innovation Day was declared by the President division of strategic marketing Shao Yang. According to the head […]