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Amazon opened a grocery store of the future without queues, cashiers and money [video]

Amazon has set its own vision of what should be the trade of the future. The company announced the launch of Amazon Go — a new self-service stores, which allows you to shop without Queuing, cashiers and money.

Amazon Go is a complex system, combining the most modern technology. Going to the store, the user needs only to open the app on your smartphone, scan the QR-code, and then put the desired items in the shopping cart.

At this time, the system creates a virtual trolley of the person. Took from the shelf cake? The system will put it into a suspended basket. Changed it back? The virtual cart is also empty. When you exit the store, Go to Amazon independently calculates the total amount and debits it from your account.

Rumors about the plans of Amazon to trade products and household items under their own brand name seem to have been confirmed. Go to Amazon or the online shop yet, but over time, the list of proposals may include goods such as coffee, diapers, tea, spices and washing powder.

The developers did not specify exactly how the system works Go to Amazon, indicating only that it uses data, computer vision, sensors, and computer analysis.

The company began testing a “store of the future” in Seattle (United States). First Amazon Go will be able to assess the company’s employees, and later it will be available to other buyers.

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