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Out mobile app for parting

App for Dating is no surprise. Even apps for quick close dates (call it so) is not already the hit of the season. The next stage is undoubtedly the program for soft (or categorical, depending on the situation) separation. There are, of course, versions of the applications with the selection of rings from Tiffany, wedding programs, applications about diapers and stuff like that, but in our case it is the dramatic version.

Mobile application Binder can automatically generate suitable text of the farewell letter of a breakup. The user needs only to choose the gender, the type of relationship (serious or casual), and telephone number of the person with whom he wants to leave. The application then prompts you to select from several abusive messages to the former address and sends the message to the addressee.

In addition, the Binder provides the ability to send a voice message, which is selected from a pre-recorded. As noted by users, all proposals written in English with a strong Scottish accent, and possibly intended to cause the recipient smile to soften the pain of parting.

The creators of the Binder came up with this service, after hearing the story about the adventures of friends on holiday: those spun holiday romance, which quickly ended, after which it took some time to explain.

It is unlikely that this application can really be useful, but it may inspire someone to a little more bearable for the text of the farewell letter.

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