In technology industries there is a new law that leading companies eventually lose their positions-often quickly and brutally. Champions mobile, once served as a shining example of success in technology, in just a few lose their positions and leave the market.
According to analysts, the life cycle of the popular companies in the mobile industry is 12-15 years. That is how much time Nokia remained the leader in the smartphone market. To her, the same time popular products, Motorola, which survived the collapse and has been transformed from a market leader in one of the manufacturers, which are usually in the analytical reports recorded in the item “other”.
As you know, the glory in the world came to Apple after the release of the iPhone in 2007. Since that time, and you need to report life cycle of the company. Thus, already in 2020, the popularity of the Apple brand will begin to fall, and after a few years customers can stop buying devices of the company in favor of products from other brands.
Care leaders in shadow, as a rule, begins after some sort of revolution in the market, as once was with the iPhone. So Apple must not rest on our laurels. She could easily lose its lead, as Nokia has lost their in the production of mobile phones, not to mention Microsoft and IBM in the computer industry.
If the steps you can take to prolong their success. First, any company is obliged to innovate, in order to improve the chances that disruptive technologies emerge from within the firm. If market leaders implement a system that contributes to the emergence of new ideas, create a corporate culture in which employees are not afraid to make mistakes, then they will be able to maintain its position at the forefront of the industry.
Secondly, Apple needs to keep track of emerging innovators. Instead of forming partnerships with smaller companies that suit their current business model, major firms should work with inventive startups with disruptive potential.
Finally, though successful companies must constantly innovate, but they should not be afraid to imitate. If Nokia had immediately begun developing smartphones similar to the iPhone, simultaneously solving the problems with patents, the global mobile device business would look very different today.
What is the main lesson of the collapse of companies in the mobile market? Technology Corporation are not able to succeed trying to please their Board of Directors or even clinching multimillion-dollar deals with partners. No matter it is a respected multinational Corporation or a dynamic start-up, wins the one who will make happy their customers. Companies that lose sight of that are doomed.