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Yandex accelerated Yandex.Browser for iOS, changed the tape Zen and optimized design for different screen

Yandex announced the release of the new version Yandex.Browser for iPhon e and iPad, which is characterized by improved performance and redesigned. The company noted that the increase in performance achieved on all devices, and the new design sank ribbon Zen, read the download pages with Turbo mode turned off.

If the optimization Yandex.Browser was not aimed at the newest gadgets, the latest release affects all iPhone and iPad models. “We have accelerated the launch of the browser on all devices,” said Yandex.

Now Yandex.The browser correctly displays the read mode on all devices ranging from a 3.5-inch iPhone 4s and ending with a 12.9-inch iPad Pro. The developers changed the way of loading pages with Turbo mode turned off in iOS 8 and newer. When you click on the links on the website no longer have to look at a blank screen that appeared while loading content.

Also, the developers have updated the tape Zen: if you hold your finger on the card of the article, a pop-up menu. It allows you to open the article in a new tab or in the background, and just copy the address. Open cards are marked as read. Flip the tape itself was smoother.

In the version of the browser for iPad has been optimized the appearance of read-updated download engine pages. The program recently native works on the iPad Pro. “The interface is now clear, the new high resolution screens,” said Yandex.

Yandex is not the first time that optimizes mobile brand browser. After the release of one of the previous updates, the sites began to open up faster and scroll smoother. It was achieved due to the transition to the new system Apple — WKWebView. Yandex noted that the latter have limitations, due to which automatic activation of Turbo mode is not working, it can only be enabled manually.

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Mobile version of Yandex.The browser was released on iOS four years ago. In 2014, the browser debuted on the iPad and Android smartphones. In program integrated PDF viewer files, Turbo mode, accelerating the download sites and popular services — search, mail, translator and “Disk”.

Download Yandex.The browser is available for free on iPhone and iPod touch at this link, iPad version available here.

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