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Why Windows Phone lost the war with iOS and Android

Desktop operating system Windows is the most popular in the world, while its mobile version failed to win the same number of fans. Perhaps the fact that it came later than iOS and Android, but you cannot keep blaming everything on the youth of the operating system — the company had enough time to make it competitive and relevant to modern users ‘ needs.

Another thing is that the brand has always paid more attention to desktop option, as is the case with the latest Windows 10, and that was one of the main causes of failure in the market of mobile platforms. Sotovik called 7 reasons why most users prefer to buy mobile devices on iOS and Android.

1. Constantly outdated flagships

Nokia Microsoft quickly updated its flagship device in the Lumia range. This was a situation: a user buys a new model that after a few months it becomes stale and loses much in price. Under such conditions it is better to buy the flagship on iOS or Android, which will remain relevant at least for a year, before the release of a successor.

In addition, the Lumia is very difficult to sell on the secondary market even for half their value because the supply exceeds the demand.

2. Unsatisfactory range

Currently, few third-party manufacturers of smartphones and tablets use Windows as operating system in their products. Now have HP Elite X3, Vaio Phone Biz, Primo Jade Acer and other models. But maybe users would be more interested in such major mobile brands like Samsung or LG who have so far refused to cooperate with Microsoft.

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3. A shortage of accessories

To buy any additional gadget that is compatible with Windows is also a challenge. Most manufacturers of smart watches, fitness trackers, car stereos offer support for iOS and Android.

4. The lack of mobile applications

As a software platform from Microsoft is not particularly popular, few developers create applications that in turn affects its popularity among users — a vicious circle. In addition, programs that still get into the store, often suffer in terms of quality, are rarely updated or are more expensive.

Perhaps someone enough that they can offer Windows, but most prefer to download news, interesting applications and games, which often can be found in the App Store and Google Play.

5. Uncomfortable the browser

In the latest version of the operating system has a new Microsoft Edge browser instead of Internet Explorer. Many users complain about its low speed and hang on complex sites, although the manufacturer promised quite a different picture.

Besides, it’s not supported a more convenient and familiar Google Chrome, like other Google services. The availability of the store such a popular browser would prompt more users to take a closer look to Windows devices.

6. The closeness of the system

Limited settings will not allow you to install the widget on your home screen, create a folder on your desktop or put your favorite song on call. Some of these problems, users are used to solve a roundabout way, but if users are not to your taste every time you take a smartphone on Board the ship, to change the ringtone on incoming, they choose a more pliable and open to change Android device.

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7. Without updates

Microsoft has officially refused to update half of Lumia devices. Among them were models Lumia 520, 630, 625, 530 and 920, which, according to the latest report of AdDuplex service, account for 32.7% of all smartphones based on Windows OS. Such actions may not only be forced to turn away old fans, but discourage new buyers — who knows when you will be denied in the next update of the system?

Windows mobile platform has its advantages, as shown by the example of the latest version, the company is still working to correct the flaws, albeit a little slowly. “Ten” pleased with the notification center, an interesting Continuum, control mode with one hand, support for USB Type-C OTG and updated Windows Store and other changes. Perhaps with time this will help increase the popularity of the system.

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