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Why Tim cook seeks to increase the number of defectors from Android to iPhone

Apple is very quickly accustomed people to smartphones. Now that such gadgets almost everyone, she may be faced with the challenge of finding new customers iPhone.

A recent report by Credit Suisse has fueled rumors of a possible drop in sales of the iPhone for the first time since the introduction of the device in 2007. The saturation of the smartphone market is close to 100%. Analysts say weak growth on a global scale, the first decline in China. In the near future the market will reach its peak and will not evolve thanks to new smartphone users, and those who buy the gadget instead of the old.

Quarterly financial report Apple regularly indicate that a major source of revenue is the iPhone. Until then, while in Cupertino will not be able to rely on the new product, be it Apple Watch or an automobile, the decline of revenues from sales of smartphones will mean a negative impact on the growth of the company as a whole.

“This fact explains the increased interest Tim cook to “defectors from Android”, which he periodically speaks on performances in front of investors. It also explains new marketing approach for the annual update iPhone, says Jim Edwards of Business Insider. – Apple is getting harder to find new customers, while the quality of iPhone is that users do not need to update them each year.”

Despite the updated camera, 4K video and live photos of the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 continue using the smartphone and wait for the iPhone 7, explained Edwards.

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I must say that at Credit Suisse lowered its projected iPhone sales in the current financial year at 8 million to 214 million smartphones. According to analysts, they recorded a decrease in the volume of production orders for the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, According to the latest data, in the last three months of the current calendar year will be issued 75-80 million iPhones in the first three months of next year is 45-50 million units.

However, not all analysts predict a fall in sales of “Apple” smartphones. Horace Dediu of Asymco believes that it will be a long time before everyone will be in your pocket smartphone and iPhone sales in General will be high thanks to the users who will abandon Android in favor of iOS devices.

“In the world there is 7 billion of smartphone users. said Dediu. Apple quite successfully to get new customers from users of the usual “calling” and former owners of Android devices. Many studies and the management of Apple say about the high rate of transitions is approximately 25%. This is an interesting result for the product at least two times more expensive than alternative solutions.”

Horace Dediu believes that similar predictions were caused apprehension among investors in 2012, when Apple shares fell in price by 40%.

“The sales figures of Apple in a crowded market can be easily traced. The PC market showed continuous growth from 1974 to 2010, but even after 2010, Mac sales continue to grow steadily. The fact that Apple’s business is creating products that users like and which will later become something else from its ecosystem,” explained the analyst.

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In other words, the urge Tim cook to get in the Android ecosystem-the users — contribution to the future of Apple.

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