Telegram has restricted access to some of the channels for users of devices with iOS. According Meduaza, when you try to enter the channel Kinofilm, where the spread of fresh movies and TV series shown warning: “Sorry, this channel is unavailable due to copyright infringement”.
The same warnings are issued when you try to log in the channel kinoxa or connect to the bots vkmusic_bot and MusicCatalogBot. On devices with the Android operating system is no restriction on the use of these channels is not, notes the edition. In the desktop version of Telegram is also no restriction.
vkmusic_bot was blocked in December 2015. As explained by the Creator of the channel Ilya Samartsev, in support of the Telegram told him that the case in the policies of Apple. “They have pretty strict rules about publicly available content, are protected by copyright. The complaints that they receive from copyright owners, have been transmitted to us, so here we have no choice but to obey and to block your bot,” he said.
Before it became known that the Association for the protection of copyright on the Internet (ISAPI) is going through the courts to demand from Apple lock Telegram messenger, if otherwise you will not be able to stop the activity of the bot who are distributing illegal content.
It comes disabled by the decision of the court online library of “flibusta sites”. At the end of March, the holders found in the Telegram bot, handing out books on user requests. The rights to the content that gives the bot belong including the publishing houses-members of the Association.