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User agreement for OS X El Capitan prohibited to operate nuclear power plants

Journalist Rob Schecter did what you actually should do: he took the time and carefully examined the user agreement for OS X El Capitan. And then in his blog he stated what he knew in simple words.

As noted Ixbt, the user agreement for OS X was not so great — for everything the journalist had just left about half an hour. Anyone can find time and be sure that the agreement implies that Apple is not responsible for anything, and the user is responsible for all, and even in the Sudan will not go.

The list is far from exhaustive, however, rather curious:

  • You can’t install on OS X 10.10 pirated copies of any software.
  • The operating system doesn’t belong to you. Apple gives it to you for hire.
  • You can use the OS in two virtual machines on one physical computer.
  • But these virtual machines may not be used for commercial purposes. The only exception is for software developers, they can.
  • Separate terms of use — used fonts. By the way, you borrow, they don’t belong to you.
  • All the sounds used in OS and the firmware cannot be modified (for example, to do remixes of tunes alarm clock).
  • The slideshow you make with Photo also cannot be used for commercial purposes.
  • Not on a fee basis to provide access to remote desktop connection OS X. that is, if you, say, make a service that provides virtual browsers to test sites, for such a service, you cannot take the money.
  • You can only use Apple hardware. Hackintosh breaks the rules. Just like breaking the rules and modifying hardware (install a higher capacity SSD from another manufacturer, for example).
  • Mac OS X user has no right to help someone trying to run OS X on a Hackintosh.
  • You can make one copy of the OS (as a backup).
  • You may not engage in reverse engineering Apple software.
  • You must comply with the laws of the country which are still in use BY Apple.
  • If you’re selling or donating your Mac, then you can leave it ON.
  • And again — to use an illegal software is not.
  • Apple is not responsible for any psychological damage you may cause using the OS. Including, from the Internet.
  • If at least one of the rules is violated, the transaction is terminated. You need to immediately remove all SOFTWARE.
  • Mac OS X is supplied “as is”, i.e., Apple for any harm is not responding.
  • You can’t send OS X to Sudan (apparently referring to South Sudan — sanctions).
  • You cannot use OS X for management of nuclear power plants.
  • You can’t benefit from video MPEG2/H. 264/AVC (apparently referring to created with firmware).
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