About six months it took the hackers to release a jailbreak for the current iOS version. New tool from Pangu allows you to hack your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, running iOS 9.3.3. The jailbreak procedure takes no more than five minutes and does not cause difficulties for most users.
Currently available for iOS 9.3.3 not all jailbreak tweaks from Cydia directory. The fact that the release of the exploit took place suddenly, and the developers have not yet optimized for compatibility with their OS development.
In the Network appeared videos 20 useful jailbreak Addons that can already be installed on iOS 9.3.3. Most of the presented solutions free.
List of compatible iOS tweaks 9.3.3:
PokemonGoAnywhere – the best cheat for the game Pokemon Go.
Eclipse 3 – black theme.
LockGlyph animation unlock Touch ID on the lock screen.
Cylinder – productive animation to pages of your home screen.
BioProtect – lock individual apps.
VirtualHome – prolong the life of the Home button.
SwipeSelection – quick text editing.
Auxo Legacy Edition – the multitasking panel in the control room.
CCsettings – setting buttons in the control room.
Snakebite – easy switching between applications with 3D Touch.
RevealNC9 – new animation on the notification Center.
StatusVol 2 – volume indicator in the status line.
Anchor – arbitrary placement of icons on the screen.
TypeStatus – the indicator of the set of messages iMessage on the top line.
RePower – click “Disable”, “Restart” and “election of choice!” on the shutdown screen.
Zeppelin – custom operator logos.
iCleaner – deep cleaning of the operating system.
Harbor – new Harbor dock in the style of OS X.
SpotlightBeGone – disable Spotlight.
Mobius – endless scrolling of screens.
Bonus KillBackground9 – button to close all apps in the multitasking drawer.
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