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Tim cook: US will lose in the technology race due to gender inequality

Apple CEO Tim cook believes that the profession of an engineer and a scientist will become the most widespread in the coming years. At the same time, gender inequality deprives scientific and engineering industry is a significant part of the valuable expertise and hinders its development.

According to the CEO, gender diversity largely determines the economic development in the country and has beneficial effects on the labour market. The equal presence of men and women in various industries leads to the growth of GDP and improvement of quality of products.

However, in the USA the number of women and men in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — are disproportionate, says cook. At the moment in the US only 17,1% of industrial engineers are women, and the head of a technology company, I am sure that this is not enough.

“If nothing changes, the US will lose its leading role in technology,” — said the head of Apple. The lack of women in scientific and technical sector will lead to a reduction in the number of innovations. “The growth in the number of jobs in STEM industries will be most intense in the foreseeable future. There will be a huge number of job vacancies that no one will take. And we will lose talented workforce that must exist. The country it’s time to make a change in this situation”, — quotes the edition of the

Apple CEO convinced that gender inequality is depriving the company of good people. It hinders the development of the labour market worldwide. The equal presence of men and women in various industries leads to the growth of GDP and improvement of quality of products.

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According to international statistics, only 3% of startups founded by women. The success of these start-UPS is significantly higher than the rest 97%. Cook is also confident that the lack of women in scientific and technical sector will lead to a reduction in the number of innovations. “They [women] should be more,” – said the head of Apple.

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