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Tim cook called on to honor the memory of Steve jobs on the anniversary of his death

In August 2011, Steve jobs said he was leaving as head of Apple. October 5, 2011, jobs died at his home in California. A terrible diagnosis — cancer of the pancreas — was delivered to him long before, in 2003.

Nearly a decade Apple CEO struggled with the disease and managed the company for which this period was incredibly successful. It was during these years appeared the best and iconic products — the iPhone and iPad. It was then, thanks to jobs and Apple from scratch has formed the tablet market, and iPad has become an unattainable sample for other tablet manufacturers.

On the day of the fourth anniversary of the death of legendary entrepreneur Apple CEO Tim cook sent out via the corporate mail a letter, urging the staff to pay tribute to the founder of the Corporation.

In the letter, cook recalled the anniversary and expressed hope that people will think about what Steve jobs meant to Apple and the world. “Steve was an amazing person and left this world a better place. I often think of him and gain a powerful strength in memories of his friendship, vision and leadership,” wrote Apple CEO.


Four years have passed since then, as Steve left our world. On this day the world lost a visionary. We at Apple have lost a leader, mentor and dear to many of us other.

Steve was a brilliant man, and his priorities were very simple. He loved his family, he loved Apple and he loved people, with whom you have worked closely and have achieved a lot.

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Every year since his death, I remind all in the community Apple, which for us is a great honor and responsibility to do the work that most loved jobs.

What he left behind? I see it everywhere: a great team that rallied his spirit for innovation and creativity. The greatest products on earth, loved by many customers and inspiring millions of people around the world. The growth of advances in technology and architecture. The experience of wonder and delight. The company, the creation of which could only he. The company determined to change the world for the better. And, of course, the joy for his family.

If you never knew Steve, we most likely work with those who knew him or worked under his leadership. Please ask them what was real jobs. Some of us shared their memories on AppleWeb, and I encourage you to read them.

Thank you for honoring the memory of Steve, continuing the work he started and not forgetting who he was and what I believed.


It was under Steve Jobs, Apple has achieved fantastic financial results and record market capitalization. The legacy of Steve jobs is not only gadgets, ecosystem and commercial success, it is also a philosophy that is mostly responsible for the company’s achievements. With its categorical and uncompromising, many argue, but the fact remains: the absolute concentration on the design, interface and user experience is becoming the standard for other manufacturers of computers and mobile devices.

On the first anniversary of the death of Steve jobs in 2012 Apple has posted on its website a video in memory of the founder of the company. Video is a black-and-white slide show, accompanied by his famous remarks, made at the presentations of various products.

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