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Tim cook believes that augmented reality is more promising than virtual

In a recent interview on technology of virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR), Apple CEO Tim cook said he believes the latter is more interesting technology. In his words, “nothing can replace human communication.”

In September, Tim cook has already expressed his opinion about these technologies. According to him, augmented reality (AR) is a more varied and wide Arsenal of solutions than virtual reality (VR) and this attracts him.

“There is no substitute for human communication, – said Tim cook in an interview with BuzzFeed. We never want the technology encouraged it”.

As examples, cook cites himself and the interviewer sitting and talking to each other – next to them by AR may be information related to a conversation, or someone who listens and supports this conversation.

“Virtual reality, I think, offers a number of interesting applications, but I don’t think that this technology can be as widely applicable as augmented reality – explained cook. – For revision AR will take some time, but I think it has huge potential. We would have a more meaningful dialogue if each of us could use AR technology, right? Therefore, I believe that such things are more important than those that become a barrier. Technology should bring together and not divide people.”

According to the head of Apple, virtual reality in a sense, insulates and absorbs the person into something that can be really interesting, but in the future it will lose commercial interest.

According to rumors Apple has a secret team working on its own technology of mixed reality. In September, Apple came the see Lee, who was one of the main developers in a startup Magic Leap, which was engaged in creating its own augmented reality headset. Another new employee was Yuri Petrov, who previously worked in the company Oculus VR.

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Microsoft adopted a similar attitude, considering more favorable for the market unifying and productive AR function than isolated games and entertainment VR, but its platform Windows Holographic, the company plans to use in order for the other. This will give them the benefit of the efforts of the producers of a third party, and regardless of whether the device is a VR or AR.

We can only wait and watch, wondering who was the first to make a breakthrough in AR and VR.

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