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The state Duma adopted the law on the “right to oblivion” in the second reading

Deputies of the State Duma of the 435 votes passed in the second reading new edition of the bill of a “right to oblivion”, which provides the ability to restrict access to information about themselves on the Internet.

The bill establishes an obligation of Internet search engines at the request of a citizen to remove from the issuance of the details. To such information in the bill is considered unreliable and distribute illegal data, reports RIA “Novosti”.

The requirement to remove upon request accurate information about events that occurred more than 3 years ago, in the new law replaced the paragraph about the information, “invalid value for the applicant by subsequent events or actions of the applicant”. In particular, the citizen will be able to compel the search engine to remove links to “irrelevant” information about their crimes if the conviction is already redeemed or expired criminal prosecution.

Against the requirement to remove accurate information after the first reading of the document were made by the representatives of the Internet community. “Instead, it introduced the concept of “irrelevance” in order to approach the principles used in the EU and to eliminate references to inaccurate, inadequate and incomplete information,” – said the head of the relevant state Duma Committee on information policy, Leonid Levin.

In this case, the largest Russian search engine “Yandex” has criticized a new draft law.

“It is unclear how the applicant will need to justify the irrelevance of the information, and we do not understand how it should define the search. As far as we know, in European practice links to publicly-relevant information are not removed and the criterion of relevance is not discussed”, – said the press service of the company.

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The MPs also refused to move the bill – after the final adoption will enter into force in 2016. The Duma also considered other document, which is planned to be fined 3 million rubles searchers who refused to remove information about the applicant after the decision.

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