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The Russian expert explained the phenomenon of Queuing for the new iPhone

A few days ago, hundreds of people lined up for a new iPhone 7 in the GUM; those who remember the Soviet times, might experience a sense of nostalgia – in fact, comparable in size the queue was only then. Only in the time of heroic people stood for something simple, like sausages, and the queue was very expensive smartphone – the new iPhone is worth, depending on configuration, from 56 to 85 990 990 rubles. Space in the front of the line were sold, say, 50 or even 100 thousand.

But what encourages people to pay twice and three times to get the coveted gadget a little faster? It will take quite some time, and it will be sold in every store. Russian writer Sergei khudiev thinks that it is user habits.


Here, apparently, are several psychological mechanisms, one of which is the habit of immediate satisfaction, a very low ability to tolerate discomfort. This is the downside of amenities, brought into our lives civilization.

In the book of one author, a psychologist, dealing with problems of this kind – I read an interesting reminder that in our childhood we had to wait while parents make dinner. Between the moment when we felt hunger, and the moment when we could meet, took some time. Our more distant ancestors were accustomed not to eat for several days. With the advent of microwaves and fast food have the opportunity to answer any appetite immediately – almost in the same moment, moreover, not hunger drives us to find food and signs of fast food encourage us to feel it.

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But, the more readily the appreciation, the nastier it experienced postponement – so the human brain operates that the degree of concern the adult of the 2010s who used to get food immediately, much higher than a child of the 1970s, who were accustomed to wait until dinner.

But the need, insisting on satisfaction and causing deep anxiety in General may not be a physiological inability to tolerate the delay, alas, covers all spheres of life. The relationship between the habit of fast food and the inability to patiently work for, inevitably, slow career growth may seem obvious, but actually is a manifestation of the same problem – inability to tolerate delayed gratification.

The smartphone-like device that allows us to immediately obtain information, exchange messages and to pour out into the world of our emotions on different occasions and to share our photos in search of approval, for all his undoubted convenience is part of this culture of immediate gratification. Impossible to sit behind a computer screen all day – sometimes we have to make, for example, the trip to the grocery store – but you can have it all in your pocket. We can instantly learn about the events and reactions to them, and fear – and suddenly, without us there will be something important – makes you update the news every forty seconds.

Of course, most of these news has nothing to do with our lives, and we only in vain upon our fear and anger, but too the brain works, the firmware which was formed in an era when it was supposed to be on guard against enemies and predators and at the first sign of trouble, grab a spear or a club.

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Of course, you can buy a smartphone of another brand that does the same, but four times cheaper or even the iPhone the previous model, but it is very difficult when there was already a habit – all that I wanted, I should get immediately. And I, of course, want the last, not the penultimate thing.

This habit of the superimposed conscious marketing policy, offering “the best” and “elite” product, which is associated with creativity, success, focus on the bright future.

The iPhone (and this is a conscious policy of the manufacturer) is something like the order, meaning belonging to the club – people buy not only a gadget, but also a little self-esteem.

And here it is difficult to say, “well, save up some money, a couple of months, maybe”. Or even wait a week until you can buy without any hype.” Because a week to remain without the latest rage among the poor losers who are forced to use the penultimate model is unbearable.

But it will take quite some time, and this model will be outdated (as expected) and the crowds eager rush for the next one.

Evil competitors from SanDisk at the time, launched a scathing term ei, i-sheep, mocking the marketing policy of the company – but, anyway, this policy is very successful.

It appeals to the human need for fellowship, dignity and belonging. But this need there is another answer – a genuine relationship with other people and with God. When our experience of dignity, belonging, and hopes will be connected with God and others, the smartphones will be what should be simple things that we use.

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As one person put it, we are created to love people and use things, and we’re all crouching to love things and use people.

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