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The reporter said “unbelievable” optimization of the new Chrome for Mac

Adding in June selective blocking of Flash in Chrome Google has promised even more optimizations and improvements aimed at increasing productivity of the browser. Explorer TheNextWeb Owen Williams during the week were testing the next version of Chrome 46 and was impressed by the work programme.

New Chrome extremely cost refers to computer resources, says Williams. The browser no longer sets a high priority for background tabs after they are not used for a certain time. Thus render the background tabs will be given a lower priority, reducing the frequency of their “awakening”.

“At first I didn’t believe that was possible, but after working with Chrome 46 during the week, I was shocked, – the journalist writes that in the past complained about the browser Google. – Memory consumption decreased significantly, slow last tab now fly than ever, and the battery life of my laptop is no longer suffering. Fans now do not rotate continuously, as it was before.”

Google has reduced the CPU usage by reducing the frequency of requests the browser to it. For example, on the website the old version of Google Chrome for 30 seconds refers to the processor 390 times and uses its resources by 0.3%. Safari under the same conditions refers to the processor only 120 times and loads the CPU by 0.1%.

Chrome 46 reduces both rate of 66% up to values of Safari (120 appeals and 0.1% load), and these changes are visible on all sites, not just Google search.

The final version of Chrome 46 due out soon. The developers promise to gradually add other optimization.

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