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The question that changed the life of Steve jobs.

Having founded Apple in 1976, Steve jobs has devoted almost all his time. Over a lifetime, he missed only a few workshops. One of the few business meetings jobs “skipped” for a first date with his future wife.

One day, writes Reamde, Steve jobs gave a talk at the University with the report. In the audience sat his then future wife, whose name was Lauren Powell. The girl liked the jobs, and he decided to meet her after the performance. They exchanged phone numbers.

Jobs didn’t want to wait long and on the same day decided to invite the girl to lunch with him. But there was one obstacle — scheduled business meeting. It happens in life.

Getting into the car, Steve asked a very important question: “What would I have done if it was the last day of my life?”. After a brief reflection, he quickly went back to the University, found Lauren and took her with him. Since then they were inseparable.

The realization that you’re mortal, is a great source of wisdom. Awareness of the inevitable end — this is great practice that is the best way to ignite his passion, willingness to take risks and to plunge into the game we call life. This question to allow us to focus on what really matters. Ask yourself this question often. Do this until it is too late.

Here right now what would you have done if it was the last day of your life?

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