Imagine you are so in love with a certain brand of smartphone that spent a few days in the queue on the street to have to buy a new model one of the first. And then I found out that the smartphone which you want – in this case, the iPhone 7 Plus is on sale will not appear. What do you say about this? Nothing but criticism in the direction of the company from you will not hear, of course, if you are a fan of Apple, writes
Even for keen Android fans, this situation is unthinkable. There are many fans of the green robot, but any other manufacturer will cause its head to the people’s anger and much more minor offenses. Just take a look at the forum for the Android users and what they say, how aggressive people react to unfulfilled expectations.
The battery quickly sits down? Who do developed! Buggy camera app? Do not ever buy a phone from this company! Still not got the update OSes? But they all could!
Do Android users have a choice. If Sony are not satisfied, you can go to Samsung. “Samsung” explode – is HTC. Or Lenovo. Or Motorola. The list goes on, and users can be fickle is an integral part of the platform.
But how to deal with disappointment if the choice is limited to a single brand? Just ignore the shortcomings.
For example, in Sydney, Australia, before the flagship store was a huge queue. The first in the queue sat Bisoi, Bachman, 17-year-old guy who has been on the street for three days first to get an iPhone 7 Plus in the color Jet Black. And an hour before the sales came out of the store and the Manager said that all the iPhone 7 Plus went on pre-order. Imagine what would the fans of Android? And leave aside the reaction of ordinary users – they are in a queue, in principle, will not appear.
The frustration was obvious. 17-year-old boy and other fans slept on the street to learn that Apple won’t sell them a cherished novelty. The Manager said something in the spirit of “just buy the iPhone 7 or leave it”. Some went.
But many remain, including Bachman. Love for the brand was stronger than the disappointment. The guy decided to buy just the iPhone 7,” and said that, probably, again will go to prison after the next presentation. Again, can you imagine such behavior in front of the store Samsung?
Feeling that the situation is heating up, marketers Apple has tried to mitigate the damage and gave those who remained in line vouchers for $100 in Apple Store. Although the reaction to this “consolation prize” was different, many fans were grateful to Apple.
Client any other company will not say “thank you” for any certificate issued because the gadget is not available. Now Samsung is offering gift cards to buyers of Galaxy Note 7, but this only reinforces the scandal.
Will this situation in the opinion of fans about Apple? Not really. One of the friends of Bahmani, Marcus, said, “I will not go for Samsung, well, at least not because of this situation. Seventh iPhone can be purchased in a matte black color, and it’s still something new.”
The phenomenon of Apple may surprise and even frighten, but real fans don’t care what others think, because faith does not listen to the argument of the mind. This applies not only to “Apple” products: we are all irrational protect what we like. Apple knows how to create almost religious involvement. Let and responds to it is not always appreciated.