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The camera iPhone 7 compare the quality of shooting with a Leica M9-P for 400 000 rubles

With each year the cameras on smartphones are getting better, and some even boast a quality comparable to SLR cameras. Photographer Shin Noguchi have posted comparative images that were taken on the iPhone 7 and the Leica M9-P. to Determine which picture was taken on a smartphone, what’s the camera for 400 000, is quite difficult.

The Japanese decided to compare the camera on the latest Apple flagship and camera Leica M9-P with 35mm Summicron Leica lens with f/2.0 aperture. Although the iPhone 7 and inferior in number of aspects of a rangefinder camera, it still shows impressive results.

iPhone 7 (left) and Leica M9-P (right)

Judging by the results of street photography in rainy weather, mobile for 57 000 roubles fared well even in comparison with the camera at a price 7 times more expensive. According to the Tire Noguchi, “the iPhone 7 is the best camera sensor 1/3 inch. No more, no less.” While camera from Leica takes great pictures, he also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the photograph on the Apple smartphone.

iPhone 7:

Leica M9-P:

iPhone 7 (left) and Leica M9-P (right):

iPhone 7 also allows you to achieve a bokeh effect that using a mobile camera had not been able to.

Read also:   iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus went to all Android competitors in performance tests AnandTech

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