The messenger Telegram created by the founder “Vkontakte” Pavel Durov received the update. In version 3.2.2 under the index in the application sharing function of public chat rooms (Channels) that allow users to share group discussions, and also added support for Spotlight in iOS 9 and displays 3D Touch for faster access to the functions of the service.
Module 3D Touch is the main innovation of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. In addition to such familiar gestures like touch, swipe, and pinch, the technology allows you to use Peek and Pop. In Telegram users can view the contents of the chat and to work with him, even opening. If you click on correspondence, Peek show preview. But if you push harder — function Pop open it.
Pressing with force on the Telegram icon from the home screen leads to the conclusion the quick access toolbar. With its help, you can go to one of the active chat, or to write a new message. Another new feature of messenger is only available on devices with iOS 9, is associated with Spotlight. Updated client makes it possible to chat with contacts directly from the system search iOS.
The sensor that recognizes the effect of depression on screen, comfortable to use. Especially practical to move to the desired section of your iOS apps. Telegram in addition to the 3D Touch option is already available in applications Facebook, Pinterest, Jet, Twitter, Shazam, OpenTable, FireChat, Medium, Dropbox, Evernote and Facebook Messenger. Also among the most popular applications WhatsApp, Moments and Groups.
Update Telegram has become one of the most anticipated devices of Apple. Feature of flagship smartphones is in the ability to maximally convenient, simple and, most importantly, fast applications.
In a previous update, the Telegram adds support for quick replies to messages right from the home screen of the device without logging into the application. IPad users received the ability to use messenger in split screen (Split View).
Last month the developers announced that a Telegram users send 10 billion messages daily. It is ten times more than in December last year, when the number sent in Telegram messages was 1 billion a day. Telegram apps exist for all major mobile platforms, as well as the web app, and clients for Windows and Mac.
Download Telegram for iOS 6 and above is available for free from the App Store.