In the App Store the new version of Telegram, in which a platform support for sync services, IFTTT. As noted in a press-service of the company, users can now integrate the instant messenger with other apps such as Instagram, Twitter and Gmail. Telegram also has the opportunity to consolidate the dialogue.
Using IFTTT to integrate with each other more than 360 different apps including Twitter, Gmail, Dropbox, Instagram, Google Drive, Spotify and others. As told by the creators of the Telegram, their messenger was the first service of “fully integrated with IFTTT”.
For integration with IFTTT, you need to run the bot @IFTTT to log on to the website platform. After that, the user can obtain, for example, letters from Gmail to Telegram. “Now you have the opportunity to manage other services with Telegram or to get published through them, such as photos or videos,” – said the developers.
Telegram also allows you to add the IFTTT bot to a group chat or a private channel that will allow you to share content and services with people or subscribers. In particular, you can configure the download of the new photos from Instagram account.
Telegram also has the opportunity to fix any dialogue at the top of the message bar. This can be done with a long hold interesting chat. This way you can consolidate up to five regular and five secret conversations.
Download Telegram for iPhone and iPad is available for free at this link.