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Taylor swift warned his record label to boycott Apple Music

The head of the record label Taylor swift Big Machine Label Group Scott Borchetta said that the singer did not warn him of the intention to boycott Apple Music. Interview with the top Manager took place at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference.

Earlier, the singer was criticized Apple for the intention not to pay royalties to the authors of the music, lyrics, songs, and other rights holders the first three months of operation of the Apple Music service. The head of the record company believes that, although many struggled with the decision of Apple, and behind the scenes was a fierce battle, Taylor swift overreacted.

At the time of appearing in the Network provocative account Borchetta was negotiating with Apple. “She sent me a link to the post and said “don’t be mad,” recalls the head of the record label. – I answered – “You have no idea how on time you published that letter””.

Swift wrote an open letter to Apple in June. Perturbed by the fact that the company is not going to pay the musicians for streaming their songs during the trial period, the singer wrote in her blog that her album “1989” will be available in the new service. “I’m sure you know that Apple Music will be free for three months for everyone who signs up for this service. But I’m not sure, did you know that Apple Music will not pay for this time authors, producers and performers. It’s shocking and disappointing to me,” — said in the appeal of the singer.

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After some deliberation in the Apple went towards swift and agreed to pay compensation to the independent artists for streaming their works in the new service from the very start. According to some cupertinos list authors and performers by 0.2 per cent with each listen. After the demonstration period, a California Corporation declared his readiness to pay the artists from 71,5 to 73% of the revenues from the broadcast of their compositions.

After this decision, Apple singer Taylor swift announced that her new album “1989” now appears in Apple Music. “After all the events of this week I have decided to allow in 1989 Apple Music… and so happy,” wrote Taylor swift on his microblog. “If you’re interested, we have an exclusive agreement with Apple, as with other musicians”, she added.

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