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11 iOS ahead of iOS 10 for number of installations

Analytics company Mixpanel has presented data showing that, after little more than three weeks after its release, iOS has overtaken iOS 11 10 number of installations. Now the latest version of the operating system installed on 47% of devices as running iOS 10 is 46% of smartphones. At the same time, nearly 7% of iPhone […]

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Jailbreak for iOS 10.2.1 Saïgon

Hacker Abraham Masri released a jailbreak called Saïgon for 64-bit devices running iOS 10.2.1. Saïgon supports the following 64-bit device: iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone SE iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad Pro […]

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Siri will get rid of the computer voices

Using machine learning Apple engineers will deliver voice assistant from the computer voice. Siri now understands, with what intonation and emphasis to speak to the user. Before the launch of iOS 11 Apple engineers have published several articles about how they have improved the speech voice assistant company. In addition to voice recording, which can […]

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Вышел джейлбрейк Phœnix для iOS 9.3.5

В преддверии релиза iOS 11 хакеры не забыли о более ранних версиях iOS. Разработчики джейлбрейка выпустили эксплоит Phœnix для взлома iOS 9.3.5. Создатели джейлбрейка выложили инструмент для взлома iOS 9.3.5 на официальном сайте Phœnix, отметив, что утилита совместима только с