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Steve jobs in 2003: music subscription services are doomed to failure

The legendary Apple founder Steve jobs never minced words. Even without the use of profanity, it was all tightly set priorities for your Corporation and describe the weaknesses and mistakes of competitors. As a result of Steve jobs disliked, but respected. That’s only after he left Apple ceased to follow the precepts of the founder.

As noted by The Verge, since 2011, when Steve jobs refused from the management company for health reasons, the company from Cupertino has changed beyond recognition. This is particularly evident in the ease with which Apple borrows ideas competitors – those whose jobs had refused to take seriously. On the sales and the capitalization of the business is not affected, and last year the new head of Apple Tim cook finally became known as an independent Manager, is able to challenge his predecessor. Start the music player Apple Music service, available by subscription, Tim cook has departed from the teachings of Steve jobs.

Jobs has repeatedly negatively spoke about the idea of renting music buyers. Speaking in 2003 about the iTunes store, the Apple founder said:

“Each song will cost you $0,99 no monthly payments. People again and again tell us they don’t want to rent music. To be clear, the music is not the video. Your favourite movie you can watch life 10 times, but my favorite song you can listen to 1000 times. If it costs you $10 a month, you will pay more than $ 100 a year to listen to this song. For me, this means that in order to listen to my favorite song in the last 10 years I have to pay more than $ 1,000. It’s not like buyers. They don’t need subscriptions.

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The same thought jobs was repeated in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine: “music Sales by subscription doomed to failure. I think that you can make even the Second coming by subscription, only it will not be successful”.

How successful will the new Apple music service. The first three months it is free, after which you will have to pay $10 a month, which said jobs. If Apple Music fails, it will be a big blow for Apple – the company made a big bet on streaming.

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