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Samsung: Galaxy S7 in Russia turned out to be one and a half times more popular than its predecessor

Samsung sold in Russia is 80% more new flagship smartphones and Galaxy S7 Galaxy S7 Edge in first month sales (from 18 March to 18 April 2016) compared to the same indicator of the previous generation of devices — Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge. It is reported by Rbc with reference to the official statement of the manufacturer. The absolute numbers in Samsung refused to name.

According to the South Korean company, the number of pre-orders for the new seventh generation is three times exceeded the performance of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. The cost of the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge at the start of sales was 49 990 rubles to 59 990 rubles, respectively, the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge will cost 46 990 rubles and 54 990 rubles.

The share of Samsung in the smartphone market in March 2016, was 28.5%, higher than in February, by 5.1%, the manufacturer cites data from research company GfK. For the first weekend sales of new products were sold in Russia 12 000 and Galaxy S7 Galaxy S7 Edge, and in April — another 30 000 units, estimates a leading analyst of Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin.

In may, 2016 Samsung has launched a trade-in program — exchange old smartphone to new. 1 through may 31, owners of mobile devices Samsung series Galaxy A, Galaxy S5 and three models from Apple — iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus – it is proposed to exchange these devices and get a discount of up to 20 000 rubles. when buying new models, Samsung Galaxy A3, Galaxy A5, Galaxy A7 and Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.

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Such initiatives are part of a strategy of Koreans to preserve and increase the share in the mobile market on the backdrop of strong competition and falling sales. According to rumors, Samsung will try to obtain this year head start over Apple by releasing Galaxy Note 6 for a few weeks before the official announcement of the iPhone 7.

New flagship of the company Samsung introduced in February 2016 at the international exhibition Mobile World Congress (MWC). According to analysts, from March 11 on these models in China was made more than 10 million pre-orders. According to analysts Counterpoint Research, in China sales of Galaxy S7 in the first month after the release exceeded the results of Galaxy S6 by 10%.

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