Company “Aromatics” and Synergetic Lab from St. Petersburg has released an app that transforms thoughts into the music. A program called DoReMind, will be available in online stores MindTecStore and NeuroSky, becoming the first Russian application for devices with neural interface.
According to the General Director of company “Aromatics” Vladimir’s Statute, the application for a interface company NeuroSky, which is considered the world’s most widespread consumer platform with the neurointerface.
“For this platform everyone can do app, NeuroSky has its online store, there are now about 200 products. Also DoReMind will be available in the online store of our German partners. For us it is the first exit on the emerging market, in fact, the test of the pen”, he said.
The principle of the NeuroSky platform is quite simple. The user wears headset MindWaveMobile that connects to your smartphone or computer via Bluetooth and logs the current processes of mental activity, and depending on the task displays them on an external device or converts into commands. DoReMind and the application offers users the possibility of selecting a set of sounds that will display his thoughts, the note duration and one of two modes: “attention” or “meditation”. Provided in the program and auto mode choice.
“If you have at a particular moment prevailing rhythms of the brain associated with attention, then you’d better build the music in this mode. In any case, choose would be the user. It can record and automatically linked to creation date”, – says Vladimir the Statute.
However, the output melodies are quite simple and more like a background sound for meditation practices or yoga. And the company noted that this application has become a kind of test of the pen, designed to find a path for further development. And Vladimir the Statute recognizes that the company has so far not expect to earn a lot of money on applications neural interfaces – now it’s not very popular environment.