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Pavel Durov: Telegram blocked in Iran after refusing to provide tools to spy on users

Iran has blocked the traffic of the messenger Telegram. About a week the lock was partial, and on Tuesday 20 October full. Wrote about this in his Twitter Creator of the service Pavel Durov.

Telegram blocked after refusing to provide Iran the tools of espionage for users. “The Iranian Ministry of information and communication Telegram demanded to provide them with the tools of espionage and censorship. We ignored the requirement, they blocked us”, wrote Durov.

Durov said Telegram that the team is working on a p2p Protocol. Peer-to-peer network without a Central server, operating on the principle of “user to user”, allows steadily to circumvent the lock is similar to Iranian.

Attempt to interfere with the communication peculiar to different countries formerly on dissimilar cultural positions. So encryption was trying to criminalize the Prime Minister of great Britain David Cameron. “Do I need to disable communication over the Internet that cannot be read? stated in the beginning of the year Cameron, referring to WhatsApp, iMessage and other services. My answer: “Yes, should”.

Then the former head of “Vkontakte” harshly criticized British Prime Minister. According to Durov, the real terrorists have lots of ways of sharing information on the Internet, and the measures proposed by Cameron, will not help. Also Pavel Durov said that the victory over terrorism achieved by the restriction of the basic values of modern Western society, would mean that the terrorists have finally achieved their goals.

In July, the Telegram messenger is blocked in China. Local media reported that the web version of messenger was disabled because it was used by the opposition to “coordinate attacks on the Communist party and the government”.

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