Pavel Durov has published on Instagram a draft press release Telegram about the launch of a new service – Bot Payments. He demonstrated a text document with the expected announcement of the new features of a mobile messenger.
“Imagine a world where you can order a pizza, pay for a pair of shoes… with a set of pairs of messages in his Telegram, – stated in the message. – To make this possible, today we present to you payment service using bots – it will allow bots to take the payments of its users”.
In Telegram bots act as interlocutors: their bots have a variety of retailers, media resources. They allow users to perform different actions – for example, to register a bonus card, to clarify information about the product or to purchase the subscription automatically, by the introduction of short commands.
The document, which published the film, said that the boat, which connected the payments will prompt the user to enter a specific command charge. To use this command for the first time, the user will need to enter your Bank card information, but only once — then he will be able to make purchases using routine.
Processing platform, through which will pass the payments will be the American Stripe, said in the same statement. Is a platform that allows individuals and businesses to accept payments online and in mobile applications. The service allows making payments without forwarding in one click, supports Bitcoin and Apple Pay.
Using Stripe web developers can customize the receiving and processing payments on your site without registering and maintaining the trading account.
The source of “Vedomosti” said that the company was in talks with Russian banks about the possibility of using them to organize the processing of payments in Russia and the CIS. In particular, according to him, negotiations were held with Sberbank.
The savings Bank is undoubtedly interested in such projects, confirmed his spokesman. At the moment, the Bank has pursued various solutions and technologies for payments in messenger, he said.
Head of e-business Raiffeisenbank Natalia Masarsky said that, given the experience of WeChat, Telegram has all the chances to start and develop a line of chat as a payment instrument in Russia. The Bank would be interested to participate in the development of this area, including as an operator. But negotiations with the Telegram he has not led. To become a Bank — the operator of a new payment service would also “Open” and Tinycobol, say their representatives.
Representatives of Alfa-Bank believe that the service is potentially very interesting given the trend of increasing transition communication and services in a text format. But, in their opinion, a good development can be in the United States, where a large audience of Telegram, and the law allows it easily to adapt. In Russia, the service of Pavel Durov Telegram a very small audience, therefore, most likely, according to Urban, there will not be any significant scale.