In addition to a new interface, multitasking, and power saving mode iOS 9 brought a special mode of video “picture in Picture”. However, with high sanction, Apple may use only the owners of iPad tablets.
“Picture in picture” allows you while talking on FaceTime or watching videos to reduce the window and move it to the right of the screen. You can open the second application and free to use it — the video will continue to playback. iOS 9 makes it possible to simultaneously watch the video and answer new letter.
New jailbreak extension Pegasus allows you to defer function with iPad on officially unsupported devices. Thanks to this tweak are the advantages of multi window mode be available on the iPhone and iPod touch.
Pegasus adds a special button “picture in Picture” next to the Play / Pause buttons, as well as on the iPad. Pressing on it “detaches” from the video of the application window, whereby it can be freely moved around the screen and resized. Video will be on top of other Windows even after returning to home screen iOS. To hide the window, just press the “X” button in the video window.
Release of the Pegasus means that now to use native mode “picture in picture” possible on any device with iOS 9.
To install the tweak right now. Development cost of $2.99 is in the standard repositories Cydia.