The company Fitbit, according to analysts IDC, is the market leader in wearable electronics. It can be only for Apple, though the comparison in both cases is relative. Whatever it was, it’s now known in which direction the main competitor of the Corporation from Cupertino.
As the Executive Director of Fitbit James Park, new devices the company will be equipped with a sensor of blood pressure and even a kind of analyzer of level of stress. Of course, it is clearly a top-end modifications, smart bracelets, while the budget is unlikely to get new sensors.
The company is also working on the development of proprietary software, including new training programs. Another direction that Fitbit now interested in it design models of its devices, since the niche of wearable electronics as fashion accessories, until is almost empty.
At the moment the list of industry leaders of the Wearables market consists of three companies.
The leading place is with its eponymous Fitbit fitness bracelet. For the third quarter of 2015, it has doubled its sales but still lost 10% of market share. It is worth noting that this year the corporate program Fitbit joined the network of U.S. Target stores, purchased for their employees more than 335, 000 fitness bracelets Fitbit.
In second place on the leaderboard was Apple, which sold in the third quarter of this year, 3.9 million of the Apple Watch, and the popular the most affordable version of Apple Watch Sport. Immediately after the kupertintsev is Chinese Xiaomi with its affordable fitness bracelet Mi Band. The device is sold predominantly in China, but it can be found outside of China. However, had the company and one of China in order to increase its market share to almost 12% and start treading on the heels of the Apple.