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New “malware” threaten the half a billion devices running Android

Specialists of the company Skycure from San Francisco found malicious software for Android devices. The so-called clickjacker threatens the world-a billion gadgets on this platform.

Clickjacker for someone may sound like the name of new-fangled dance style underground, but this is not so. The clickjack occurs when a fraudster, using a transparent layer, placing an invisible button or other user interface element on top of another, looking perfectly innocent, such as buttons on a web page that the user sees.

To implement this method of attack, hackers create web sites that does not inspire suspicion, however, contain malicious code. The method allows fraudsters to steal confidential information and to perform on an infected smartphone, user can not even suspect. Threatened Bank details, posts on social networks, SMS correspondence, account information, emails.

In addition, Android clickjacker can change the administrative control of the device and create a new administrator account. As a result the crooks may be able to remotely control the gadget, change passwords, delete all data. Under threat are currently 65% of devices running Android from version 2.2 to 4.4.

As an example of the work of malware Skycure have posted videos with the game “Rick and Morty”. Clicks during the game, activate an invisible layer of the operating system. The end of the game means that the victim gave the attackers access rights to various functions.

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