Leading analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin after the presentation of iPhone 6s, iPad Pro burst into a devastating article about Apple. From his point of view, under the leadership of Tim cook, the company refused to innovation and now openly copy of decision of its competitors. Subject to borrowing ideas become products Samsung, says Murtazin.
“Exit sixes are very important for understanding what is happening under the leadership of Tim cook. Unlike jobs, he thinks the usual categories of the market, and if the jobs denied that there is someone equal to him, then cook there are no such illusions. Hence a simple thing – he started to compete with Samsung, realizing that this company is technologically superior to Apple and this state of Affairs will persist for many years. And that means we need to create a products similar to the most popular models from Samsung,” writes Murtazin.
Among the ideas that Apple, according to the analyst, borrowed from Samsung, called the concept of two iPhones (a 4.7 – and a 5.5-inch), a smart watch, Apple Watch, iPad mini, tablet with stylus iPad Pro.
“If jobs believed that Samsung copied the iPhone, and was partially right, cook tries to respond to the current threat and creates commodity matrix. This means that Apple has become a common Corporation that examines the market through the prism of conventional tools and chooses the competitors based on their products,” says the analyst.
According to Murtazin, Apple releases new products with the expectation only to “squeeze money out of their fans”.
He was sure that Steve Jobs at Apple created new niches and product category, and then came the competitors who gathered the crumbs from the table of Apple. When Kuqa Apple just copies their competitors.
“Gaining a large audience of fans of the brand Apple, which often mindlessly loyal to her, the company began actively to exploit and squeeze money. Windfall Apple is not only successful products, but rather low cost components and design, coupled with high sales. This is all a result of the popularity of the brand, which has created jobs, not Tim cook,” he writes.
Murtazin is not waiting for Apple’s revolutions. “I’d sooner believe that someone from the Chinese manufacturers will have a breakthrough, it is Apple,” he explained.
“Apple’s margin is much greater, but the way Tim cook is leading the company to a standstill. It is a way to squeeze maximum money out of consumers, which satisfies the investors. But to do so indefinitely, exploiting the iPhone, it is impossible,” said Murtazin.