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MTS has expanded and accelerated LTE network

MTS announced the completion of a large-scale expansion of the frequency spectrum and the area of coverage LTE network in the 1800 MHz band in Moscow and the Moscow region, which allowed within the ring road to double data rate LTE-1800 up to 75 Mbps, and in some areas of New Moscow to increase to 112 Mbit/s.

In places where the technology of LTE-Advanced with the aggregation of two carrier frequencies, peak velocity increased to 187 Mbps.

MTS actively builds technacally and multilepton LTE network in many regions of Russia, said the company. In Moscow the first fragment MTS network of the fourth generation on the GSM 1800 MHz earned in January 2015 within the Garden ring. After obtaining permission for the use of additional frequencies MTS during may-June conducted a large-scale modernization and configuration of the network, providing coverage extension in LTE-1800 within the ring road, as well as launched these networks in more than 30 cities, 1200 towns, villages and cottage associations the Moscow region.

After running this network LTE services will be available to users of iPhone 5. “It’s hundreds of thousands of new LTE users in the Moscow region”, – said the operator. Among the major cities of the Moscow region, where connection is now available LTE-1800 – Mytishchi, Pushkino, Schelkovo, Balashikha, Lyubertsy, Ramenskoye, Kolomna, Lukhovitsy, Zaraysk, a Prominent, Domodedovo, Shcherbinka, Podolsk, Naro-Fominsk, Russia.

As told in MTS, refarming GSM-band was carried out without degradation of the quality of voice services through the modernization and expansion of 3G/2G network, transfer a greater share of voice traffic in 3G network, reconfiguration of base stations and redevelopment of the network. In the Moscow region in addition to LTE FDD-1800 in Moscow and the Moscow region MTS operate LTE FDD-800, LTE FDD-2600 and LTE TDD 2600.

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