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“Motivation of the day”: how to force yourself to work

Laziness and procrastination appeared since then, when our hairy ancestors learned how to roast meat – from this moment on humanity is struggling unsuccessfully with a permanent desire to drop everything and go to bed. In our time, the problem only grows sandwiched in the philosophy of maximum efficiency, people are trying a natural way from all the worries get over it – but I can’t. For this and invented all sorts of motivational incentives in order to drive away laziness, roll up your sleeves and go to develop.

Probably the best incentive to get up off the couch is a late payment on a mortgage and a couple kids, but there are less extreme ways: for example, charging from the words of famous people. Or motivating texts that clearly explains why you cannot slip in one place. Or biographies of celebrities, read and get inspired. All this (and more) is the app in the “Motivation of the day”.

The program works quite easy understand any: you set the timer when you want to get some motivational material – say, at 13 o’clock, in the afternoon (the time to recharge mentally). At this time every day “Motivation of the day” will send you something inspiring. Wide range: from the biography of Elon musk to the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger; from the author’s story about the evolution of personality to businessman quotes by Bodo Schaefer. The authors of the app claim that the base of the giant; there’s no reason not to believe them. Suitable materials can add to the “favorites” – to be able to be inspired at any time.

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However, if you don’t want to see any kind of motivating texts, you can turn them off. Say, annoy you quotes, simply uncheck it in the settings, and they’re not going to bother you. Thus “Motivation day” adapts to each user, making it a unique experience: he sees on the smartphone screen only what inspires him personally. An extremely useful feature – after all, the ultimate objective of the application of it is this: to motivate the exploits.

To review the program you will be given four days after will be asked to pay. Here is an interesting detail – the amount of payment depends on you. The price range varies from 60 to 500 rubles – as you need, spend as much as you. The difference will not be – simply by paying more, you will Express your appreciation to the developers.

By the way, in “Motivation day” no ads – even during the trial period. I wish it motivated other authors apps.

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