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Moscow authorities have withdrawn from the App Store app to pay for Parking

Mobile app to pay for Parking in Moscow temporarily removed from App Store due to a failure, recorded in his work. This is stated in the microblog Twitter the Department of information technology of Moscow.

“A Parking app for iOS withdrew temporarily from the App Store, finalized, Apple will have spent the Christmas holidays”, – stated in the message. According to the Department, Parking services now are stable, “the number of Parking sessions for the usual Thursday”.

The owners of those smartphones that have the app to delete anything not required – all software versions are stable.

“To those who already use the latest version of Parking app for iOS, demolish it don’t stabilisera yesterday, everything is OK,” – it is specified in the microblog.

In the new version of the iPhone app can send push notifications with the proposal to stop Parking the motorist, if he will depart from the Parking place at a distance of not less than two miles away.

“In the updated program user many subtle internal changes, increased stability. Also now the app reminds the driver that he forgot to stop the Parking,” said a spokesman for the Department of information technology Elena Novikova

We will remind, a service of paying for Parking was broken on 22 and 23 December. Drivers could pay for Parking: the application showed a zero balance. The problem was mainly observed among iPhone users, explained the representative of Department Elena Novikova. The cause of the failure remains to be seen, but, according to preliminary data, it is connected with incorrect work of the recently released new version of Parking app for iOS.

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