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Mom Jane Compliment an effective motivator

In the life of every conscious citizen sure there is fatigue from their work – even if you are busy the most favorite thing on the planet. Routine becomes boring, tiring task, office chair stuck with millions of needles. You need to somehow escape, somewhere to take positive emotions – and here may well come app Mom Jane Compliment.

It’s pretty unusual, but understandable thing. You enter your name, gender, schedule of the day. Why the app asks you how the mood. The program can be answered: bad, good, normal and “fuck off”. Mom Jane listen and snap my window – well, okay, will be back in an hour. In exactly one hour you will receive a notice: the app will write your name and call you “baby”. Or something. Or – to quote Confucius. Unbelievable.

In Mom Jane Compliment sewn many options as you cheer for (the authors claim – to see all the phrases you need to use the program at least a year), which will appear on the screen, when you talk about your mood. Apparently, the tone of the phrase depends on your reply – if he admitted that got off on the wrong foot, there will be something positive – don’t get bummed, like, pull it together. If I say that everything is fine – get a cheerful compliment or a quote of Steve jobs.

Charm Mom Jane Compliment in the fact that it intrudes unexpectedly. That is, you understand that in an hour, but forget the twist in the working papers, and then, feeling the vibration, look at the screen of the phone: well, what else? And there – compliment your appearance.

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People who lack empathy, perhaps you can include Mom Jane Compliment and not only at work – enough to convince the program that you are working, say, all day (Hey, it happens). And will get compliments continuously – remember, however, that live chat nothing will replace.

Looks like Mom Jane Compliment well with the office and the child will cope – include three sliders, click “thank you” in response to another compliment; nothing complicated. Any quirks of modern monetization like no popup ads – application as is honed to please and not to disappoint.

Download Mom Jane Compliment you for iOS here and for Android for this.

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