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Mobile operators will be forced to spend trillions of rubles for the fight against terrorism

Anti-terrorism amendments to the law “On communication”, involving the storage of data in three years, will cost mobile operators in trillions of rubles, RBC reports.

The bill with the requirement to keep records of calls, SMS and Internet traffic within three years, was submitted to the Duma on 7 April, the authors of the document were the head of anti-corruption state Duma Committee Irina Yarovaya and Chairman of the defense Committee of the Federation Council Viktor Ozerov. It is assumed that the storage of user data will contribute to countering terrorism.

The “big three” Russian mobile operators believes these requirements are impracticable. If the amendments are adopted, the cost of installation and maintenance of equipment will exceed the annual revenue of each of the operators, said the representatives of “Beeline”, “Megaphone” and MTS.

MTS estimate the volume of annual traffic in 5-6 million terabytes, in the “MegaFon”- 6 only million terabytes of Internet data, plus 700 billion minutes of voice calls and 50 billion messages. In the “Beeline” traffic volume didn’t sound.

Storing such amount of data, the estimated operator, will cost 1.4 trillion rubles at the stated MegaFon’s revenue in 2015 in 308 billion. MTS estimate of the cost of storing data of 3 billion rubles for 12 hours, the operator’s revenue last year totaled $ 391 billion. Such expenses may “reduce the economy of the operators in the big zero”, the company will not be able to develop their services, according to “the Beeline”.

A source close to one of the operators, said that all Russian operators will have to store 1.7 billion terabytes within 3 years. With record spending on electricity, cooling and other operational costs, security can cost companies 300 billion dollars.

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