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MacOS High Sierra discovered another vulnerability

Developer LEMI lobster found in Apple’s vulnerability, which compromised the personal data of users.

Anyone with physical access to your Mac can see and modify files in the system without entering the username and password from the administrator account.

Under threat are the users, including the guest account or change the root password (the root password).

Until Apple released a firmware fix for the issue, you can use one of the following methods of protection:

Disable the guest account

To restrict access to the guest account, you must:

  • start system settings,
  • go to menu “Users and groups”,
  • select the account “Guest”,
  • remove the tick from “Allow guests to log in on this computer”.
  • Change root password

    To do this:

  • start system settings,
  • go to menu “Users and groups”,
  • open the submenu “Options”,
  • press the “Connect” next to Network account server,
  • in the pop-up window, choose the item “Open directory”,
  • in the menu bar to open the menu “edit” and select “Change root password”.
  • Apple has not commented on the situation. The flaw, described by the developer, was discovered in a stable release and a beta version of the system. Recently in macOS often find vulnerabilities that reveal sensitive data. For example, in October, there was a bug where using disk utility you can get access to hidden passwords.

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