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Kantar: iOS share grows in all markets except the US and Spain

Analyst firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech released new figures for the situation on the world market of smartphones. Pay attention to the strengthening of the position of iOS in many countries.

Strangely enough, but the most successful country for iOS was not the USA, and Australia, where its share grew over the year with 29,31% to 37.8%. Popular operating system Apple is also in Japan, the UK and the USA and where its presence reaches to 33.8%, and 33.7% and 28.4%, respectively. And the weakest interest in iOS has been observed in Spain, Italy and Germany. In these countries, the share of the operating system is limited to 6.2%, 10.6% and 13.6 per cent.

“In urban China, the share of smartphones reached 84% in three summer months. In the list of best-selling models in August were the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus”, – said the head of research at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Carolina Milanesi. The analyst noted that iOS has lost share only in the US, whereas significantly increased its presence in the European market.

As for the leader, the Android operating system, its position is strongest in Spain – 89,5%, China – 78,1%, Germany – 75,2%, and Italy – 74,8%, and a total looser she is represented in Australia and the UK and 53.1% and 54.1%, respectively.

While Microsoft is preparing to introduce in December, operating system-Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones, the current Windows Phone are going uphill. Data from analysts saying that its share increased in Germany, UK, France, USA, China, Australia, Japan, and the recession recorded in Italy and Spain.

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“The popularity of Windows Phone has risen slightly in France, Germany and Australia and remained at the same level in other countries. However, we see no significant impact on the overall market, despite aggressive pricing,” said Milanesi.

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