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Jailbreak is alive: create an improved alternative to Cydia

Despite the fact that, in the opinion of many skeptics, jailbreaking had its day, enthusiasts continue to improve tools for jailbroken iPhone.

AppTapp developers have long promised to release its own version of the store with Takami, which will compete with all famous Cydia. According to a post on the forum Reddit, after five months of development, hackers have finished creating your store and ready to present it to users.

Installer 5 is the complete Manager for Apple devices with a jailbreak running iOS 8 to 11. In the store displays only those apps and tweaks that support application installed on the gadget’s operating system.

The developers claim that 5 Installer will not have to remove Cydia, both can peacefully coexist on the same device.

The creators of Installer 5 tried to make your store visually similar to the App Store, so app won’t stand out from the General concept of iOS. With Installer 5 you can find and download tweaks from multiple repositories, he also sees the tools that were installed earlier from Cydia.

Now Installer 5 is in the early stages of testing and access to it have a limited number of developers. Phase of a wider beta test will begin in early June and it will be able to take part developers, which the team AppTapp will provide access. When the store will be available to all comers, yet unknown.

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