Apple rightfully belongs the title of a revolutionary in the world of IT. Why are only Macintosh computers, introduced in the era of bulky computers. Another look into the future – iPad. Jobs himself, perhaps, did not expect such success from the “big touch screen”. But the main revolution “Yabloko” is iPhone.
the iPhone revolutionized the industry produced smartphones. No one at the time and could not imagine that a 3.5-inch device without the video recording function in the future become a universal role model.
Since the presentation of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus a week passed, but the debate about revolutionary this update does not stop. Moreover, traditionally, has formed two camps. Some consider it the largest in the history of the line of smartphones by Apple, others call mediocre and accused Apple in the borrowing of technologies of competitors. Blogger Jack March has decided to judge. He compiled a comparative table with eight flagship smartphones of 2015, which compared the parameters on which there were changes in the devices compared to their predecessors.
Each smartphone was evaluated on key criteria: camera, processor, RAM, 4K video recording, battery, resolution, fingerprint scanner, NFC and more. A key role was played by the so-called “positive” and “negative” points. They indicate improvement or deterioration in the quality of consumer gadget in comparison with the previous modification.
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Simple calculations March found that updating the iPhone 6s has surpassed all competitors. The only smartphone that runs with “eskih” flush, turned out to be Moto X Style. A very decent bid for victory. Especially considering the high prevalence of the iPhone, making the device the best flagship of 2015, according to Jack March.
Someone, probably, such arguments seem strange. Some would cast doubt on the credibility of the analyst. Others agree with Jack will not let their own beliefs. In any case, the approach March seems very original and has a right to exist.