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iPhone 4s with iOS 6 is faster iPhone 5s with iOS 9 [video]

In Google Trends, which tracks popular treatment on the Internet, the number of requests to “Slow iPhone” (iPhone slow) after the release of the new iPhone increases dramatically. Blogger Ilya Leshchenko decided to check whether the new iOS blame for that Apple-communicators aren’t working as we would like.

The fact that the new iPhone don’t work as fast as old, can be understood from the experiment of TV host Jimmy Kimmel that before the release of iPhone 6s were offered to passers-by on the street iPhone in 2007 under the guise of the latter. Users noted that the applications on it run faster.

It is believed that iPhone become slower for two reasons: problems with the optimization of the operating system code and the appearance of the users subconscious feeling that with the release of new model old seems less productive.

So, Elijah took the iPhone 4s, one on iOS 6.1.3 installed in 2012 and the iPhone 5s which was working the most recent iOS 9. The test he conducted, comparing the speed of launching similar pre-installed software. He came to the conclusion that almost all apps in iOS 6 are faster than in iOS 9. This is despite the fact that the iPhone 5s is significantly faster iPhone 4s – 6.5 times, according to Geekbench. The only exception was the Safari browser.

Why is this happening? First, modern operating system with new features and services requires more computational resources. Furthermore, iOS 9 is accompanied by new animations, which visually slows things down. This affects the perception of mobile devices and probably leads to additional consumption of battery power.

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How to roll back from iOS 9 to iOS 6.1.3, you can click the link.

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